bring me to life...
his name is ang wee shuen,
living for 15 years till now,
brought to life on 06.12.1994,
also a aitongian hwachongian, proedian, da-gamaian, aglaian and a proedcouncillor.


how i met your mother!
the big bang theory!
jap food!


learn web designing
learn graphic designing
imbah JC results



2E class webbie
jon ng
kang ming
max vb
min gao
sam tay
wei ren
zhao yong
mr galvin sng

ghee wei

cheng guan
yin hui
zhi ying


podmatrixmusic playlistmyspace music


May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
June 2009
May 2010
June 2010
November 2010
June 2011
heyyy stalker! hehe jkjk. hover your cursor over the little circles for a pleasant surprise! =D

joke. / 26.6.10

lol, what a joke. yakubu.

anyway with all that worldcup fever now, i'd make some predictions!

Round of 16:
Uruguay 2:2 S. Korea (KOR wins on penalties)
USA 2:1 Ghana
Germany 2:0 England
Argentina 4:0 Mexico
Netherlands 1:1 Slovakia (NED wins on penalties)
Brazil 1:0 Chile
Paraguay 1:2 Japan
Spain 3:2 Portugal

Quarter Finals:
S. Korea 0:0 USA (KOR wins on penalties)
Germany 0:3 Argentina
Netherlands 3:2 Brazil
Spain 2:0 Japan

Semi Finals:
S. Korea 0:1 Argentina
Spain 2:4 Netherlands

S. Korea 0:4 Spain

Argentina 3:1 Netherlands

Go go Argentina!

6:08 PM


pastamaniacs / 19.6.10


I've cooked pasta many times before. But i mainly used tomato or carbonara sauce. And I usually toss in just 1 ingredient, mostly prawns. But this time I bought quite a number of ingredients so I decided to prepare something nicer....


Let's call this set "Mushroom Madness"!

Okay I know, it may not look impressive BUT IT'S DAMN NICE KAY. NO, REALLY!!!

Spaghetti + Marks & Spencer's Mushroom Sauce. Yum. Credits to Marks & Spencers. Topped off with parsley flakes. To make it look professional. YUMMMMM.

Cooked some chicken meatballs then tossed in some shiitake mushrooms then some onions then the ever so delicious Marks & Spencers mushroom sauce again and *BOOMZ*! You've just got yourself a nice little mushroom + chicken meatball side dish. It looks crappy from the picture BUT ITS DAMN NICE OKAYYY!!!

ahh. hearty lunch.

had chawanmushi for breakfast.

ahh. hearty breakfast.

had KFC for dinner.

ahh. sinful. on the other hand, i got an Andrei Arshavin pepsi bottle from KFC's delivery. free bottle. awesome.

awesome awesome awesome.

12:10 AM


honourable xbox. / 10.6.10

i won an xbox from a pizza hut contest!

'nuff said. Lazy to write the details of how I won it. If you wanna know, check out my fb profile. It under the comments of my status.

Anyways. I'm pretty much emo-ing over 2 things right now.

My skin and my project.

My skin was never THIS bad before. sure, 4 years I had rashes over my skin but my face never turned that red before. And my face is peeling. Like shedding lol. I'm going to emerge as a red butterfly soon. Real soon. Even after a nice pair of new specs and a nice fringe, the redness of my face screws up my overall looks. Damn this.

And my project! I got an honorable mention for the CyberFair competition. Sure, it's called honorable mention but we are definitely not feeling honored at all. We could have gotten a much better result than that. If the website didn't screw up. God knows what happened -- the website was lock & loaded and good to go when I first uploaded. Then we left it to rot there and somehow it started to hate me and made 2 of its webpage die off. I only realised it a few days ago. And so our chances of getting a platinum/gold/silver/bronze were gone. Screw this.



9:02 PM


food porn. / 4.6.10

I have decided. I'm gonna start a food porn series. Got inspired by the blog by Rozz of 98.7FM. And that means I would probably end up something like him.

Ahh. Especially when the theme for this food porn list is...

hamburgers. Hamburgers from famous fast food outlets. Not those huge and tenderlicious ones that you get in other restaurants where they actually use 100% meat. or at least more meat than those in fast food restaurants. And well my list only applies to fast food restaurants in Singapore [duhhhh =_= ].

5. McDonalds: Big Mac

It's overrated. I don't know why, but Big Mac is the best selling burger in the world. I think. The beef patties are really thin!!! The only thing I like about the Big old mac is its sauce. And onions. Basically everything other than the meat itself. The meat can be pretty dry at times too. Urgh. Just give me the recipe for the special sauce and I would dump it on any other burger.

4. Swensen's: Mega Burger

Burger porn at its very best. Personally I'd rank this higher, but well Swensen's isn't really a fast food restaurant and this one costs more money. They just spam everything they can think of into the burger, and somehow it still feels okay. And I know, it's supposed to be a mega burger but really, who puts a beef patty, ham and bacon all into one burger? Again, it still tastes pretty good, though you would have to use fork&knife to eat this one. Beef, ham, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese and an egg. Mega isn't the right word - it's an understatement. You definitely have to share this burger with another person.

3. Carls Jr.: Carl's Catch

This fish sandwich pwns Mac's Filet-O-Fish and any other fishie burgers out there. Hands down. When I first bought it, I was shocked. IT'S HUGE. Well that was one of the first times I ate Carls Jr. so I wasn't used to seeing such big burgers. And they don't use those kind of fish patties like the ones you see in Mac and BK. They use fish&chips style Nice.

2. Carls Jr.: Western Bacon Cheeseburger

This one's a beast. It's all about meat and crisps, and again it is HUGE. Eat one of these and you can skip the next meal. It's really filling. Couple of bacon strips, two slices of cheese, nice meaty beef patty (two nice-meaty-beef-patties if you choose double, duh.), crispy onion rings (YES!! you got that right, there's onion rings inside the burger! my fav part!) and yummy BBQ sauce. Yummy and filling.

1. Burger King: Croissan'Wich Turkey Ham

The ultimate breakfast burger. It doesn't look filling, doesn't look yummylicious, and it looks kinda plain, but HELL it's awesome. Simple yet scrumptious. I'd eat this for lunch and dinner too. Anytime. The croissant is soooo fluffy it makes me wanna cry. So soft.....and I usually don't like ham but somehow BK managed to convince me that ham is da best for breakfast. Still think the best part is its buttery and fluffy croissant, and along with it's mini hashbrowns and a cup of warm coffee, it makes the ultimate ultimate ultimate fast food breakfast.

4:16 PM
