his name is ang wee shuen,
living for 15 years till now,
brought to life on 06.12.1994,
also a aitongianhwachongian, proedian, da-gamaian, aglaian and a proedcouncillor.
how i met your mother!
the big bang theory!
jap food!
learn web designing
learn graphic designing
imbah JC results
dammit. dammit dammit!!! i bloody should have joined SLC. why am i so dumb -.-
shit la. seriously SMO was a complete waste of time. Half of the open ended questions had factorials inside. even up to 286!. worst thing is we werent allowed to use calculator.
Divide (1!*1) + (2!*2) + (3!*3)...(286!*286) by 2009. WTH?
Even the calculator cant get 70! - the number is too big to display on e calc. then they come out some 286!. walao damn pissed. why the **** did i join SMO and rejected to be a FACILITATOR in SLC?!?!?!?!?! ARGH pissed at myself for eternity.