bring me to life...
if i had one wish
that wish will be...
i wish i could sleep
for one whole day
without anyone
disturbing me.
10:08 PM
this is the current mrt system. (click to enlarge)

and the future one?

if that's not enough, lets see what they intend to do with the downtown area of singapore. keep in mind that singapore is a little red dot in the whole world, and we dont really need that much mrt stations... we?
i bet when they actually go and construct every single station as what they planned, when you come out of city hall station i betcha can see bras basah station just a few buildings away. then you go onto the singapore flyer then u will be shocked to see a landful of mrt stations. seriously, the distance between dhoby gauht station and city hall station is already god damn short. like u walk a few minutes can reach liao. and you still want to add a bras basah station? maybe a 100m sprint between city hall and bras basah station will be held here instead of e olympics. and then for the first time a human can travel faster than a mrt. woohoo!
and about dhoby gauht. i pity it sia. 3 INTERCHANGES in 1 station. wa. the mrt station become sky scraper? i bet when you go into the mrt u look in front can see the other station liao. then every 1 minute you hear *ding dong* ____ station. like wth. then it will be mass slow transit. MST. it will take years to get from one end to the other. then like that i run also faster. is crap la seriously. where got ppl build ELEVEN MRT LINES in a freaking small country like singapore? you go usa build the same amount of mrt stations per the same amt of land i bet you go into space can see got great wall of usa liao. seriously its not practical. one hundred and sixty one stations or more in singapore. thats lame. i bet SBS bus travel faster than that. okay. i conclude that the future mrt map of singapore is beyond lame.
so the future mrt in 2050?
dont miss this offer! for only $50 per are entitled to these following MRT stations!
- pulau ubin
- malaysia
- gaza strip (still repairing)
- white house
- moon!
- venus!
- mars!
- and beyond!
can LTA stop being so retarded?
haha joking la. its good if theres many stations but then it will be damn funny to stand in the middle of city hall or orchard and look around you to see at least 5 mrt stations close to you.
last but not least, this really is retarded.

yes, you may want this note. but if you take it, you are an idiot. you CANNOT freaking use it! who da hell will find change for your $10000 note?
5:36 PM
five things.
hmm. in 2 months how many bags am i getting?

woot. and i AM NOT RICH OKAY. the champion one is quite nice, simple and plain. mother bought it for only $5-10. clear-out sale. or sumthin lyk dat. the timbuk2 one is my fav, and i got it from my parents as bdae&christmas present. the last one, e crumpler, is from my relative, and i was like shocked. WOOHOOOO!! i got a crumpler!! though e compartments not as good as timbuk2, its kinda more popular. but now i like rich kid lyk dat which im obviously not -.-
oh dear. manchester practically CRUSHED chelsea. like wth is this man. chelsea i expected much more than this. you got lampard, terry, anelka, deco, drogba, cech...ALL FREAKING WORLD CLASS PLAYERS. though man.u also have their own players, at least not 3-0 la. walao. now liverpool die liao. is either i pray hard that manu will draw/lose one of their matches, or that liverpool will win manu on their next and final encounter. but at least for now chelsea is far away from liverpool yea :)
screw my freaking nose. and my skin. both so sensitive. having really bad flu. since when was the last time i was so ill? hmm...........bah. queued like MORE THAN 1 HOUR to freaking get a small packet of pills. damn.
oh dear. manchester practically CRUSHED chelsea. like wth is this man. chelsea i expected much more than this. you got lampard, terry, anelka, deco, drogba, cech...ALL FREAKING WORLD CLASS PLAYERS. though man.u also have their own players, at least not 3-0 la. walao. now liverpool die liao. is either i pray hard that manu will draw/lose one of their matches, or that liverpool will win manu on their next and final encounter. but at least for now chelsea is far away from liverpool yea :) and last thing. SCOLARI YOU SUCK BIG TIME.

sorry to the many many many many fans out there but i seriously think this show SUCKS. first of all. i saw a few scenes when i was slacking in front of e TV (eh doesnt make sense...when ur in front of e TV ur obviously slacking....)...okay okay when i was slacking and watching TV and i saw e few scenes, their acting SUCKS. SERIOUSLY. SUCKS. SUCK SUCK SUCK. okay maybe not that bad, but man. i mean u compare it to the what "xin hua duo duo kai" or watever is called. the show after channel 8 news @ 6:30pm. they chose the right actors, they acted really good (even the children) and personally i think is a freaking better show than little nyonya. their acting at some points were pretty fake. the only unique thing about the show is abt the peranakan stuff or furniture or sumthin like that. that one really good, the background and stuff. BUT. the story line is really SHIT. i mean is like most love stories goes like this: 2 ppl either know or dunno each other; they meet; either like or dont like each other at 1st sight; then a problem happens and they hate each other; then gradually they become together again. i mean like thats what everyone wants, the 2 main characters who are male and female who were SUPPOSED to be together to be....together RIGHT?? then this show is really crap, in the end they didnt get to be together. and SUMMORE. after ppl complain, then they go make another ending for it. really lame sia. even newspaper criticise. "hua she tian zu". lol. but at least i think the actual ending is good for me. because i think joanne peh is like MUCH prettier than jeanette aw. ha. wrong choice of characters, though i doubt joanne peh even has the looks of a main character. but still, shes prettier yea.
9:35 PM
things to do/have done for council so far...
1. sec one orientation
2. consortium orientation
3. cca orientation (going to do)
4. parent-teacher-gathering (going to do...depends)
5. leadership camp (going to go)
6. induction camp OT (under progs, compulsory)
7. mid-point review (going to go)
8. quarterly review (going to go)
9. national day OS (woops im the OS)
woah. not xiao. HELP!!!
11:12 PM
year 2009 and at least things have a great start.
for example the TEACHERS.
finally i think im satisfied with my teachers yea? (except 1 or 2, but cant complain lurh. nothings perfect...the worlds forever unfair yea?)
English/Lit: Ms Quah LH
Maths/FT: Ms M Choo
Chem: Ms Boey
Bio: Ms Siah/Ms Teo
Physics: Mr Tan CG
Chinese: Li lao shi
Social studies: Mrs Giam SY
IHE: eh dunno yet. or lazy check. hahaz.
thats abt all.
but i BACK PAIN NOOOO. thou its not VERY pain, its like just a bit pain but its VERY irritating lor! every moment u want bend down/walking the pain will there. like ur partner or what. dammit im getting old! 4getting stuff...back pain....ARGHH! just hope maths will be easy this year and not as boring as last year.
8:28 PM