bring me to life...
GUYS. GUYS. CAN YOU ALL FREAKING NOT ASK ME TO PRINT STUFF FOR U? screw it. im treated like what? a dog? a freakin online printer? every 2 days or so i get someone asking me to print something. yesterday it was yixiang. todae was max. JUST a second ago was junhao. u tink i very free arh? sorry to say this but i nt veri rich ok. yes i may be bit selfish but just think. everyday i hav to print sumthin. and summore some of em iz must download from ivle. my comp now gt prob. pls. i cant dl any stuff. not onli from ivle. EVERYWHERE. ZZZ. pls spare a thought for me. im not ur online source for homework, powerpoint slides or photocopy machines. please.
ok on to the main point. brazil won spore by onli 3-0? thats amazing. truly amazing man. they gave so much face to us...ha this is e poster me and sam lau made...

baguz. ahh..duno wad to blog. nowadays too sian liao. 2dae had I.S. test. and i actually cheated. i dun BELIEVE I FRIGGIN DID THAT. i hardly cheat. omg. im disappointed at myself. seriously. haix. and 2dae uber-unlucky. take bus 67 with taijoum then later bus stop at......bus stop. yea. and it stopped there 4eva. nvr went on. woohoo. exit gt problem. then kinda broke down. yay. so not waste my time eh? then the ride became a free one and bus driver gave us ANOTHER ticket so that our NEXT trip will be free too. sian.
lets see what's below! im curious. issit about sumthin about my studies? or maybe maths? or even hitler? who knows! hmm...lets take a look!
8:42 PM
woo. done photoshop with sam lau...ok i very lag la to post la. coz no time mar. whew. finally finishing EVERYTHING for our projects day. left the board game havent print. and some stuff the board game nid final touches. i done the board game liao, instructions booklet, fake money notes, got the dices and the cover box. i tink the onli missing and havent-do-stuff are the QnA cards (nvm u wont understand) and the pieces. ARGH. EXAM-OVERLOAD!!!! next few days got chinese, lit, history, I.S. test and on top of that, i still hav to meet e deadlines of teachers day OT. heng got HSC take over the big job. logs can slack a teeny bit for e time being, though i still hav to think of ideas to decorate KKH by....ZOMG TUESDAY ARH ARH ARH ARH!!! GTG LIAO BYE BYE BYE!! DAMN.
7:07 PM
three conclusions.
i so love ang lai chiang. I so dont want to form a Anti-Ang-Lai-Chiang-Club (AALCC)
i so love wang da kun. I so dont think he's gay and he so not touch my hands for no reason.
i so love tan boon beng. I so love his music appreciation during assembly.
i want ms wun, lin lao shi and ms chan to come back.
(btw i dun like anglc anymore. funny become irritating liao.)
putting aside my hates. on to some gud news.
we got triple champs for track and double quad champs for judo.
TnF: B', C', A' girls champions. A' boys got 3rd. still very gud results. 8th consecutive year for c div and 18th consecutive year for b div to attain overall 1st in nationals.
Judo: B', C' boys champions. A' girls and A' boys got 2nd. So sad both of em lost to RJC. oh. so ur sayin theres onli DOUBLE champs and not quad? harhar. our sister school oso lar. For TnF i dunno e results for nanyang. but for judo, nanyang sweeped them both. NYGH: B', C' girls champions.
And...on to teachers day. updates. i am in teachers day OT. i am LOGISTICS. CRAP. nvm. its ok =X ....................... oh well. woonwei and us tried to think of new events for teachers day and well yea we DID come up with some new events like SMS service and blah blah, but then at the very end we realised that at the very end, it will still come down to the same thing: students playin handfones and PSPs or just dozing off. and some teachers prob oso wont pay much attention. crap. real crap. haix. logistics. oh well. hehe. but i want in teachers day OT oso, so yea quite happi at the fact i AM in teachers day OT, even if im appointed as logs i/c. oh well. life's screwed god damn boring.
10:37 PM